

September 5-6, 2024 ▪ Nanjing ▪ China

Momentum Aggregation Empowerment Business Extension

The saturation of production capacity combined with a slowdown in demand is pushing China’s livestock industry into an unprecedented involution. The ever-changing climate and frequent disease outbreaks are also continuously presenting new challenges to the industry. In the face of these internal and external troubles, the internationalization strategy of Chinese companies that originated at the beginning of reform and opening up has once again come to the forefront. This encourages us to think about the sustainable development of the industry from a broader and deeper perspective.

Clearly, with the ongoing technological revolution represented by artificial intelligence and low-carbon environmental protection, we still have the potential to create more green economic growth points by deepening technological exchanges and cooperation worldwide and maintaining an open market environment. As a truly global industry exhibition platform, VIV worldwide has always been committed to fostering connections and opening up new development spaces for the livestock industries of various countries, including China.

The VIV International Summit has been successfully held five times. The theme planning is updated every year, but the core remains the same—linking global agricultural and livestock resources to serve the development of China’s industry. During the VIV Select China 2024 from September 5-7, 2024, this summit will once again be held as the main forum of the exhibition. During the summit, we guarantee you will have a plenty of opportunities not only that satisfy your business interests but also that allow you to learn from the Giants and share with each other. We strongly encourage you to attend the summit along with your partners and colleagues. We are very much looking forward to seeing you all in Nanjing, September 2024!




09:00 – 16:30  ▏September 5 – 6, 2024

VIV Square, Hall 4, Nanjing International Expo Center

VIV Select China, VIV worldwide, AgriPost.CN

Day 1 – 5 September


09:00 am – 16:30 pm

VIV Square, Hall 4, Nanjing International Expo Center

A.M. International Market Opportunities and Green Development Transition

  • Overseas Opportunities for Chinese Agricultural and Livestock Enterprises under the Belt and Road Initiative
    Professor Xu Xiuli, Dean of China Belt and Road Institute for Agricultural Cooperation (BRIAC), China Agricultural University
  • International Trends and Chinese Practices in Sustainable Development of the Livestock Industry
    Dr. Mark Lyons, Chairman & CEO, Alltech
  • The Establishment of ESG Standards in China and Overseas Risk Control
    Li Jianzhou, Director, Sustainability and Climate Change, Deloitte China
  • Research and Development Cooperation and Application Progress of the African Swine Fever Vaccine in Vietnam
    Vietnam Veterinary Association (VVA)

09:00 am – 16:30 pm

VIV Square, Hall 4, Nanjing International Expo Center

P.M. – Poultry Sector
Efficient Animal Protein Production and Sustainable Development

  • Global Challenges for the Poultry & Egg Sectors and Sustainability
    Dr. Vincent Guyonnet, DVM, Ph.D, Dipl. ACPV, Global Coordinator, Poultry Health and Production, WVEPAH

  • Domestic Competition Situation and Technology Development Trends of White-feather Broilers
    Zheng Maiqing, Researcher, Beijing Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  • Market Supply and Demand Structure and Future Development Trends of 817 Broilers
    Liu Xiaoying, Senior Analyst, Sublime China Information Co., Ltd.

  • Key Technology and Market Development Prospects for Prepared Poultry Dishes
    Liu Yanxia, Chairman of Dookoo

  • Global Practices and Chinese Challenges in the Transition to Cage-Free Eggs for Layers
    Yang Qing, Program Manager, Global Food Partners

  • More Convenient and Economical: The Application of Plastic Products in Poultry Production

Day 2 – 6 September


09:00 am – 16:30 pm

VIV Square, Hall 4, Nanjing International Expo Center

Feed Sector | Precision Nutrition and Development of New Feed Ingredients

  • Analysis of Price Trends and Market Procurement Strategies for Bulk Feed Raw Materials
    Zhang Yan, Chief Risk Officer, Cargill Animal Nutrition North Asia
  • Progress and Effects of Innovative Technologies for Reducing and Replacing Feed Soybean Meal
    Dr. Shi Zibiao, Head of Nutrition R&D, Muyuan Foods Co., Ltd.
  • The Development of New Protein Feed Raw Materials and Their Implementation in China
    Marketing Manager of FeedKind®, Adisseo
  • How to Achieve Green and Low-Carbon Feed Processing through Digital Intelligence
    FAMSUN Group Co., Ltd.
  • Pathways and Progress in Utilizing Leftover Food from Dining Tables as Animal Feed
    Representative from Qin Yuchang’s Team, Beijing Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
  • Circular Farming: Insect Breeding + Greenhouse Planting Solutions
    Liu Wen, Marketing Director, Big Dutchman China



Jiangsu Feed Industry Association

Jiangsu Animal Agriculture Association

Shanghai Poultry Trade Association

The Netherlands Agro, Food & Technology Centre (NAFTC)

Global Food Partners

China Agricultural University

Zhongguancun Innovative Strategic Alliance for Industrial Technologies of TCVM

China Pig Industry Chain Ecosystem Platform (CPICP)

Ms. Snow Bai(Organizer of VIV SELECT CHINA)
Email: snow.bai@globusevents.com   

Mr. Allen Shu(AgriPost.CN)               
E-mail: allenshu@agripost.cn

Nanjing International Expo Center

No. 300 Middle Jiangdong Road

Jianye District, NanjingJiangsu Province, China

September 5-7, 2024

Opening hours
September 5: 09:00-17:30
September 6: 09:00-17:30
September 7: 09:00-14:00

(The entry of visitors ends at 12:00)